"You were born to be a great writer!"

Everyone has heard someone say something on the lines of, "You were born to be a great writer!". To most people that seems like a compliment and something to be proud of, but it's an example of how a majority of people have a fixed mindset . Telling someone they were born to be a great writer usually has the intention to be positive, but what that person is doing is discrediting the hard work and time that writer put into perfecting their craft. This writer now might start to think, "I studied grammar rules and practiced writing for hours a night, I am definitely not born to be a great writer. I just fooled this person". To believe that a person is born with all their abilities, intelligence, and talent is a consistent negative outlook on life. It leaves no room for improvement, learning, and growth. A growth mindset is the most important attribute to carry in life. This growth mindset is what can provide the grit and motivation to become exceptional in th...