Collaborate or Fail

No matter what the situation is or what you do in life, I believe collaboration is key to grow as a professional and truly become professional.

As a teacher, it is one of the most essential things to be. Not only do you want to teach your children to be collaborative but you yourself must be collaborative with your peers. I ask the other teachers around my school what they would do in certain situations, what methods have been really working for them, or just what they are doing in the class lately every single day. It's not me "cheating" or trying to steal something from someone, its me trying to become better at my craft or even just make a connection across the curriculum.

Its not just in the education field, collaboration needs to be consistent across our society. When you limit your mind and abilities to one person, you are doing a disservice to your potential as a professional and a human of society. Open your mind, learn about things you never thought essential, and maybe you'll learn something new that will change your perspective on things. Learn as much as possible, from as many people as possible, and I believe you're giving yourself the best chance to be successful.

Collaboration is the easiest to access in the history of the world right now, right this second. Open up your laptop, iPad, and even iPhone and you have unlimited resources at your fingertips. It is up to you if you want to put in the extra time and find ideas and new information to build on your profession.

Important Vocabulary:

Collaboration- Working in a group or with another peer

Essential- Something of importance

Connection- When there is a pattern or relation between two or more points

Curriculum- The guidelines or list of topics in a school year

Consistent- Staying at a even level over a period of time

Potential- When there is a chance of great gain or success

Perspective- The way you see something from your point of view

Unlimited- No amount that is reachable 

Grammar Points: Use of Comma

Make a sentence using the given words using a comma correctly!

1. Collaboration, Essential


2. Unlimited, Potential



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